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Mazda News Bulletin (Delays, Discounts, and Additional Negative Updates)


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The manufacture of the CX-90 has been temporarily suspended for a period of 45 days or longer. The purpose is to ascertain the cause of the many failures and troubles with the CX-90.

The introduction of the CX-70 has been postponed by a minimum of two months in order to determine the necessary modifications that need to be made before its launch. Presently, a CX-70 that has been launched will be subject to five or more quick recalls.

- Dealers have received compensation for the discrepancy of $4050 or less in the sticker price. There is no justification for new customers to pay the original price. If you are purchasing, the initial price should equal the sum of the new list price and any further reduction that you may negotiate.

- The significant problems with plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are negatively impacting sales. The combination of a new $1500 PHEV incentive, a $500 discount for former Mazda owners, and a $7500 USA EV credit serves as a baseline for leasing. By applying a $2000 dealer rebate, the total savings on lease offers for PHEV vehicles amounts to $11,500.

- I am anticipating the filing of a more extensive "class action" lawsuit by owners. My automobile is now undergoing its seventh repair. Now I am having new headlights installed. What on earth!

- Please refrain from providing responses related to conspiracy theories or space lasers. Objective information.

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I must express my disbelief, Mazda is now providing CX70 promotions on their official website, and just moments ago, I received a promotional email from Mazda asking me to experience a test drive of a PHEV.

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Last week, I had a conversation with a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) technician at a dealership. He informed me that the manufacturing of PHEVs is temporarily suspended until they find permanent solutions for all the issues that customers have been experiencing.
Although unverified, I have heard identical news on three separate occasions.

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I have no objections to the sources you have provided. While I agree with most of your claims, it would be beneficial if you could provide the source for each assertion you made originally, as well as the individual authors and recipients of the material.

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