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The V220 CDI W638 fails to start during a brief drive.


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Hello everyone, I have own this Mercedes V-Class W638 for some time; but, in recent months, it has been experiencing sporadic starting issues that no garage has been able to solve.

Commence in the mornings It never fails me; nevertheless, after a brief drive and subsequent parking for a while, when I return to start it again... It turns over but fails to ignite. After waiting around thirty minutes and attempting again, it starts immediately.

I have replaced the O-rings on the fuel pressure regulator.
The crankshaft position sensor
Fuel filtration device
O-rings on high-pressure gasoline pump
I replaced the injectors and cam sensor a few years ago, so I doubt the cam sensor could have malfunctioned that soon.

Has anybody else encountered this?
I would appreciate any guidance you could provide.
Thank you

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A thought occurred to me as I perused the first post here.
Approximately 34 to 35 years ago, I purchased a one-year-old Vauxhall sports vehicle. Initially, it operated exceptionally; but, after a year, attempts to start the vehicle from a warm engine sometimes yielded no response, including no sound when turning the key, if I recall correctly—it was attributed to one of the relays. I was fortunate to visit the main dealer, where the receptionist suggested I try a relay switch, a little oblong item. He provided one for testing, allowing me to return it if ineffective; it resolved the issue.

My vehicle was equipped with a petrol engine and electronic fuel injection.

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I modified it, nevertheless the issue persists. This problem occurs just during brief trips; it never arises when the vehicle reaches full temperature and does not manifest during the first cold start, only after a short excursion followed by a period of parking.

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