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Power steering pump model W124


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I am seeking guidance on the issue of a leaky power steering pump on my 1991 230ce vehicle.

Is it more advantageous to replace the pump or consider using a seal kit?

Although I am not a mechanic, I am willing to attempt if it is feasible for a beginner.

Upon doing a cursory examination, it seems that there exists a considerable array of seal kits. However, I am currently unaware of the specific component number associated with the pump that is attached to my vehicle.

Is it possible to determine the component number without the need to remove the pump beforehand? I like to get the parts before removing the vehicle from the road in order to complete the task.

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By using the provided website and inputting your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), it is expected that you will be able to ascertain the power steering pump and, ideally, locate the appropriate repair kit.


As previously said, Autodoc demonstrates proficiency in identifying the accurate component number by using the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
Modifying the seals should not provide a significant challenge.
Maintaining cleanliness is of utmost importance.

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Prioritise identifying the accurate component number for your pump before relying only on Ahtodoc's recommendation. Enter your vehicle identification number here and locate the appropriate pump for which you want components. Subsequently, verify the numbers. Autodoc offers Mercedes EPC Online, which may be accessed at nemigaparts.com.

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The process of removing it may provide challenges for those without a mechanical mindset.It is important to note that the bolts used to remove the pump may vary in size. To document the step-by-step removal process, I used a camera. Please refer to the manual for information about the m103, which will provide you with some insight. M103 Cooling System Form your own opinion after you have read the instructions.I would hire a garage to do the task.I believe they would like to include a refurbished device or a high-quality second-hand item. Kindly come back if I can provide more assistance.

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During the process of replacing the water pump, I meticulously charted the positions of the bolts on a card, following a clockwise sequence. A hole was created with the point of a pencil.
This is an illustrative example that I have recently created, rather than the definitive one that has been widely acknowledged as incorrect.



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Currently, I am experiencing a profound sense of foolishness. It is not the pump itself that is leaking, but rather the fluid around the steering box.

Tomorrow, I will elevate the automobile on ramps and thoroughly clean it to determine its origin. It is likely that the issue is originating from the hoses.
I will provide a report.

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