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Pre-Purchase Evaluation


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I am considering purchasing a vintage SL and would want to arrange for an examination. Some time ago, I encountered a self-employed individual in the Surrey/Sussex region who seemed knowledgeable. I believed I had retained his contact information, but I am now unable to locate it. I am enquiring whether anybody present is familiar with the individual I am referencing. He operated independently and was not affiliated with these websites that only refer a local mechanic. Thank you.

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The car's location is likely a significant factor; I presume you are purchasing remotely from Ireland?

If you provide information about the automobile in issue, we can identify a reputable independent MB expert who can assess its condition.

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The vehicle is, in fact, located in Kent. It is a R107, however the individual I am seeking was not located in Kent. I am in Surrey part-time and can inspect the vehicle, but I would appreciate any ideas for an independent expert.

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