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2002 E46 320D cold start problem


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The vehicle has difficulties during cold starts when temperatures drop below 10°C. The issue exacerbates with decreasing temperatures; I replaced the 12V battery one week ago and the glow plugs and relay around six months before. Fault codes include 004242 for cylinder 4 glow plug, 0043f1 for electric auxiliary heater, and 004ab2 for electric auxiliary heater. I get codes for several glow plugs during cold starts, but never simultaneously until the 12V battery has been completely depleted. Thank you for all assistance!
It is also noteworthy that the rail pressure is 6.5 bar with the ignition activated and increases to 300 bar while cranking.

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Which relay did you utilise? Starting should not provide an issue above 0 degrees, even in the absence of glow plugs. An auxiliary heater, I have heard, is used in some locations where an electric heater is integrated into the coolant line to expedite warming; nonetheless, this should not influence a cold start.

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Does the starter engage correctly, or does it emit a sound indicative of a depleted battery? Electric heaters may malfunction, resulting in battery depletion. Therefore, you may disconnect it for testing purposes.

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Upon your mention, the battery voltage seems to be very low, even during an extended drive intended to charge it. I will do the test tomorrow and provide an update, as well as publish a video demonstrating the starting.

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The battery voltage seems to be low.
Please attempt to unplug the electric heater.
As previously mentioned, my 2007 model (which I believe has the identical M47 engine) starts in cold conditions without functioning glow plugs and exhibits rough idling for around 4 to 5 seconds.

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