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I am unable to display the oil level on the dashboard.


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Greetings, everyone,

The instructions indicates that you must drive for a minimum of six miles, position your vehicle on a level surface, push button one, and go to the "Oil Gauge."

I can never locate it; after selecting the first button, I can go through the alternatives, however the oil option is always absent.

What mistakes am I making?

Is it possible that the sensor is defective?

Sensor Malfunction: A defective oil level sensor may result in the choice not being shown. This may occur as a result of a defective or contaminated sensor.

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I see that your car is an older diesel model; I am uncertain if diesel vehicles from that era included the gauge on display without iDrive.

Regardless, I would not be very worried, since it is equipped with a dipstick that accurately indicates the fluid level.

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