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The buttons on the steering wheel are sometimes malfunctioning.


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An unusual occurrence has taken place with my 2019 W205 C43. Except for two buttons on the right side, namely the touch panel button and the back arrow button, all other buttons on the steering wheel are functioning properly. There are only two of them, and sometimes they will function well.

The only plausible explanation I can conceive for such anomalous occurrences is a deteriorating battery. However, prior to investing around £150 on a replacement, I would really appreciate any other suggestions.

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What is the process for removing switch blocks? Is it necessary to disassemble the steering wheel? I am completely unaware of where I may get suitable substitutes. Despite spending thirty minutes searching on Google, I was unable to find any relevant information, which suggests that I may have to resort to contacting a dealer.

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It seems that the switch blocks are only sold in pairs, and they cost £155 from MB. I have some apprehension about removing the airbag due to my tendency to experience unfortunate events. There is a possibility that it may unexpectedly deploy and cause harm to my face or other parts of my body. However, I appreciate the information you provided. 🙂

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Yes, it is advisable to disconnect the battery and wait for a minimum of 20 minutes as a precautionary measure. There are several online resources available that provide detailed instructions on how to accomplish this. Although the required instruments are not extensive, if you are not experienced in auto repairs, it may be wise to have an independent professional do the task.

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The device will not explode in close proximity to your face. To safely connect the two little pins, you need to attach a 12-volt power source and a ground connection. The pins contain contacts that automatically short-circuit when the plug is withdrawn. Deliberately setting off an explosion would need a very focused and determined endeavour. Never by accident!

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Just a little update. I found that after I completely charged the battery, the buttons function properly. However, after a short period of driving with intermittent stops and starts, they come to a halt once again.

I just had a new battery installed in my vehicle since it is parked on my driveway for most of the week while I work from home. After four years of this routine, I had a suspicion that the battery could be deteriorating.

Following the installation of the new battery, the buttons resumed functioning temporarily but have since ceased to operate.

I have scheduled an appointment with my conveniently nearby independent mechanic at the beginning of next year to diagnose the issue with my automobile.

It is important to note that the stop/start function is only operational when the buttons are functioning properly. Everything indicates a potential problem related to electrical or battery malfunction.

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