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Notification of power outage accompanied with a pungent smell of burning


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Upon starting the vehicle, a notification indicating a power breakdown on the roadside was received. Started and stopped the vehicle, and the message disappeared.

After driving for 1 mile, I noticed a strong burning smell coming from the engine, so I decided to return home. I had already detected the same odour earlier in the day, but I attributed it to the recent construction of the new driveway on the street.

I have seen a little fracture on an object, which is evident from the accompanying photographs.If anybody is able to provide assistance, it would be much appreciated.

The vehicle is a 5 series with a 68 plate, specifically a 520d model with 38,000 kilometres on the odometer.

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Even if the message is no longer present, a code will still be recorded.

The irregularity you are seeing is not a fracture or hole, but rather the intentional design of the heat shield. This is a routine occurrence and does not warrant any worry.

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Thank you for your assistance. Bringing it to the dealership. After owning it for just 65 days, I need to investigate the cause of the engine emitting smoke and the occurrence of power failure.

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Please inform us of their response.
If you plan on keeping the automobile for a long time, it might be wise to invest in a fault code reader. This device will quickly prove its worth by saving you money on dealer fees for scanning the car.

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