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Year of Manufacture for Discovery 2 BCU


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Greetings, everyone.

One side of the BCU has a white label that displays the component number and other relevant information. Additionally, there is a code 255/19.

Does this imply that the year of production is 2019?

Thank you in advance for your assistance...

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Perhaps a new BCU was produced in 2019 as a potential replacement? I am aware that they use the week of the year to determine when an item was produced. The number 19 might perhaps represent the specific week in which it was manufactured. However, it is uncertain how one can deduce the year from the other information, assuming it is actually a date code.

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I am experiencing difficulties with the BCU (Body Control Unit), as the fob (keyless entry device) is unable to activate the immobilisation system of the D2 TD5. The first electronic key access (EKA) provided by the dealer is non-functional. Upon inspection of the BCU, I saw that the label indicates a reading of 145/11. Additionally, there is a delivery slip attached to the item, which contains the serial number and relevant information. The document is dated 2011. Based on the fact that my d2 is from 2001, I believe it had a BCU modification in the past and there is no available EKA information associated with it.

I got a refurbished BCU to resolve the problem. The sticker on the new BCU indicates a code of 255/19.
It is really intriguing whether it pertains to the date of production.

For your information, the new bcu does not effectively address the issue.

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It would be more helpful if you provide a thorough description of the situation so that someone may be able to identify the issue. The BCU should only be considered as a possible cause if the fob is not functioning.

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