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The M6 engine with 82,000 miles requires replacement.


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There is more information to come, but my engine has failed unexpectedly (despite regular maintenance). Fortunately, I have an aftermarket plan that is not yet confirmed, but it seems likely that it will cover the cost of replacing the engine. The cost via the dealer will be about $50,000. Do you have any opinions or ideas?

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I believe so.... they mentioned a significant presence of copper in the oil. Is it expected that the final decision will be made this week? If so, I would appreciate receiving guidance from the prestigious forum.

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Presumably, the reason will remain unknown until they start the takedown process. Do you have any new information to share? May I inquire without causing offence? What is the warranty coverage? Which kind of oil are you referring to? Are you in a state of optimal adjustment or alignment?

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The agreed upon price for the whole purchase is $47,000, with the dealer offering to contribute $40,000. However, I will still need to pay $3,500 out of my own funds. The vehicle in question is a 2017 model with both the performance package and executive package. It has not undergone any modifications or alterations. Once everything is completed, you will face a significant choice: whether to relinquish it or retain it.

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Although I lack expertise on this matter, the presence of copper in the oil might indicate bearing wear. Consequently, I consistently dispatch my oil to Blackstone whenever I do an oil change, often after covering an average distance of 3500 miles. Upon resuming your responsibilities, you may want to personally contemplate the option of paying an additional $40.

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The engine was delivered from Germany on Friday, ladies and gentlemen. Initially, I was considering disregarding the situation, but the thought of returning to Texas and California with my newly acquired engine filled me with excitement. This feeling can only be comprehended by someone who has a similar vehicle. Although I haven't had the opportunity to address it in the last four years, I am very determined to ensure that the artificial engine sounds are deactivated in this run.

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I am uncertain about my ability to do so. Indeed, I did not adhere to the recommended oil change interval of every 3 to 5 thousand miles, but I surely did so before reaching 8 thousand miles. Fortunately, I fortuitously stumbled upon the opportunity to purchase an aftermarket insurance for my used vehicle, four years after owning it. However, prior to obtaining this insurance, I was undecided about replacing the rods and bearings. I sought advice from a trustworthy automotive shop, where one recommended the replacement while the other exaggerated the associated risks.

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The vehicle was sent to the dealer for repairs after being at a well-regarded shop. It is possible that there was a method to increase the insurance reimbursement, but the dealer has successfully collaborated with Fidelity. Additionally, I believed it was advantageous to have such a significant repair documented by the dealer.

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Congratulations on acquiring the new motor with your Fidelity extended warranty coverage! As a merchant of Fidelity extended warranty coverage, I am not surprised by the ease of the process, but it is still gratifying to hear!

For anybody interested in obtaining the Fidelity extended warranty coverage for their BMW M6, please find my contact information below.

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Did the engine malfunction despite the absence of any modifications or enhancements to the car's tune, resulting in its failure after 80,000 miles? Indeed, it is unfortunate that you are experiencing such a negative situation. However, it is fortunate that your warranty is providing coverage for this issue.

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Ecstatic about it. Considering the limited sample size of one example, it is worth mentioning that both the dealer and Fidelity performed quite well in terms of momentum in HOU.

What is the recommended mileage for breaking in a new engine before it can achieve maximum performance?

Furthermore, I own the Performance Package for my vehicle. Does it undergo automatic reconfiguration?

The technicians said that my car does not have any "assisted engine noise," but I see that it has been deactivated. Although I appreciate this, I may like to reactivate it at some point. How can you accomplish it? It may have a purpose that I am not aware of, rather than being a trivial addition by BMW.

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